Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Bookworm, book lover, bibliophile, reader...what do these words mean to me.

They mean stacks and stacks of books waiting to be read, traded, given away or returned to the library.  When will I ever find the time to read them all?  Books make me happy, content, and relaxed so I'm not bothered by all the books laying around the house.  This stack of books on my night stand include the top three paperbacks that were just waiting for me at the local Goodwill store.  Yes, that's a Kindle you see. The convenience it offers is wonderful but...there's still something about holding a book.

It saddens me to hear children say they hate to read and books are a waste of time.  Oh the adventures they will miss!  Some of my favorite books are those I read as a child; I'm so happy that my children are sharing the same books with their own children and their niece and nephews that I shared with them so many years ago.

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